More than just a realtor
Real Estate - Consulting - Conservation
Real Estate - Consulting - Conservation
I remember the beginning like it was yesterday; helping a surfer from San Diego make a deal on lot near the point. Over several cervezas he persuaded me to help him, then left the next day and would anxiously wait for me to contact him. I figured it out, learned a lot in the process and got it done. So it was a grass roots thing, dawning on me that I could make a buck in the jungle. Osa Land Office was born. I barely had a telephone in those days, paid a guy $600 for his analog line because there weren’t any more lines available. I rented a small room in town to put a faxmachine and would check it a couple times a week when I came in for supplies. My P.O. Box was #8. Puerto Jimenez ran on diesel generator. The access road out to the Pan Am Highway was 4 wheel drive, two hours of dodging waist deep mud holes. It was 1991 but it seemed like 1950. I was just starting to build Iguana Lodge out on Platanares beach with my pal Stig.
So the real estate business grew in the following years as more people came and discovered this unspoiled place and laid back community. Scouting the peninsula for properties was a very cool adventure and I really enjoyed connecting people to the land. Their dream. They were coming here for the same reasons I did. They had the same excitement I had. It all felt natural. I wasn’t selling property. I was helping people buy property. It was more than being just a realtor. Luckily I spoke decent Spanish back then. I quickly realized that not all properties were problem free and learned to avoid them. I studied Costa Rican law, especially the coastal law. I picked up on the nuances of the mostly illogical bureaucracy and figured out how to get through the rat maze. In this process I developed a passion for conservation and joined the conservation movement in Osa in the early 90’s. I’m pretty much an expert on all things Osa. Just sayin.
I liken it to being a guide or coach and enjoy helping where help is needed. Things are fuzzy to newcomers. Heck, some of my clients and friends have been here for years but still find themselves struggling with the bureaucracy about one thing or another. It’s always a challenge to get things done, property issues, zoning, building and just managing assorted affairs – all things Costa Rica. Do-overs can be crazy expensive and are a monumental waste of time. Nuances? We got plenty! I may not tell you everything you want to hear but I’ll tell you what you need to hear. I’ll help you understand what you don’t understand. You will save money in the end. You will have more confidence with less stress and hassle. Priceless no?
By nature the Gringos tend to over-lawyer their affairs and coincidentally the system here lends very well to that! A prime example being that most Costa Ricans have at least one lawyer somewhere in the family. You even need a lawyer to buy a damn car. But there are limits and not all lawyers are created equal. Not sure if your lawyer is getting the job done? I can tell you.
I’m often asked to assist a buyer or prospective buyer separately from the person that showed them a property. Being someone who knows the ropes, together we can move the ball down the field and not go out of bounds. It’s common sense – comprehend and calculate your moves and avoid mistakes. Eyes wide open. I will explain every step until you are comfortable.
Absentee owners need two things: competence and trust which happen to be my first and last name. I’m here for what you need.
Jeff Lantz – Broker
Sergio Sancho – Attorney.
Experienced in property transactions, escrow services and corporate law. One of the most professional and honorable people I’ve known in my 30 years in Costa Rica.
Jonathon Bogantes – Engineer. Specialist in off grid potable water systems – location, permitting and installation. He’s jungle tested and an easy person to work with.
Steven Wok – Architect. I love working with Steven. He’s very flexible and easy to work with and was born and raised here in this zone. He can give you plenty of tips on building in the jungle.
Issac Vital – Design and architecture. If your needs are more sophisticated you should consider working working with Issac and his team of architects, designers and engineers. They offer project development services including 3D renderings and animation for homes and buildings or the entire property / project.
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